Vox O Max is helping companies communicate their messages & ideas since 1989. Choose from over 40 professional narrators of all styles in English, French, and Spanish. Click here to hear all our narrators.
Strong base, strong results! Your messages need to be inspiring, clear and effective. To achieve this, it is necessary to use the right words and words of impact. At Vox O Max, we favor a simple, concise and precise writing. Our writer will work closely with the department in charge of your project until we get the perfect result!
Selecting your narrator is a crucial step in your project. It is your ambassador. Choose it well! We work with more than 40 professional narrators in three different languages. All our narrators are selected according to the highest standards of the business combining vocal techniques, elocution, intonation and projection. Click here for a preview of all our professional narrators.
The voice and only the voice! During a recording session, it is imperative to eliminate ambient noises to record only the voice. That's why we use a completely soundproof recording booth. Our installations and our "sound chain" are at the cutting edge of technology to obtain a crystal clear sound quality!
Post-production is the final & critic stage to transform a recording session into a successful audio project. Using powerful audio software, we eliminate all imperfections, we adjust short or lengthy silences, noticeable breathing, and undesirable mouth noises. If necessary, our sound technicians will add inspiring background music and sound effects that will have an impressive final touch an exceptional impact. The result? Satisfaction guaranteed!